Connected Forever
Have you betrayed your spouse's trust through infidelity, addiction, or destructive behaviours and created a heart-wrenching crisis in your marriage? Do you need help to slay the shame and self-sabatoging that has caused a deep disconnect between you and your spouse?
Do you need help to restore trust and rebuild intimacy in your relationship?
If you want to save your marriage and know you need help NOW
we have a powerful, transforming solution at your fingertips!
You can start the path to
Strengthening, Restoring, Rebuilding
your Marriage in 12 weeks!
Connected Forever is for couples who have experienced devastating disconnection through betrayal, but who want to restore trust and build a loving, reconnection. This engaging and challenging 12 week course will help you target much needed areas in order to build a deeply intimate, enduring bond.
Connected Forever will help you...
Recognize your own & your partner's 3 BIG Needs
Respect your own and your partner's boundaries
Accept your differences and embrace your strengths
Move from defending and blaming to listening and validating
Understand the impact of your family & life experiences
Identify and eliminate destructive patterns
Build rock solid trust and enjoy incredible intimacy
Embrace authenticity through raw transparency
Learn how to communicate empathically, without hesitation
Become one another’s indispensable help and build an enduring bond!
Develop a follow up plan to ensure lasting change
You can expect:
Up to 12 hours of expert online training, practice and support to help you restore trust, slay the shame and begin rebuilding your bond
Private, 1-hour private pre-session
Private, 1-hour private post- session
Payment Plan available